A tipping point is neither a beginning nor an end. It’s the point at which competing paradigms suddenly shift. The old finally gives way to an irrevocable demise as the new experiences a final burst of energy, rising to eminence as the new order of things.
The aging of our venerable charter membership has, over those years, reduced our ranks though attrition, and diminished our effectiveness. Over the past several years, boards have made well-intentioned efforts to reverse these trends, but they have been short-sighted, hastily conceived and inconsistent. Hence, the results have been disappointing.
In a more global perspective, it is also true that small charitable organizations, as a class, are enmeshed in a similar struggle for survival. This arises primarily from what has been referred to a our declining interest in social engagement. Some blame it on “X-Generation” attitudes which seem to be centered on self. Others point to government’s intrusions into realms that used to be left as the province of charitable organizations, such as churches, foundations and public charities. Yet, others point to the statistics showing that charitable giving and volunteerism is higher than it has ever been, but is distributed over an ever-growing number of nonprofit organizations. Whatever the case, it is clear that we must look well beyond our provincial interests and concerns, meeting people where they’re philosophically at with an agenda that is highly competitive.
The broad-based initiatives unveiled at last year’s annual meeting have begun to turn things around, as perhaps never before. They entail a depth and breadth of shared visions and a quest for excellence that is shifting the scales and providing momentum to the transformation of the Friends. I believe we are just now at the “tipping point” … having finally broken out of our self-limiting cognitions of the Friends as a close knit and rather exclusive “club”, now rushing towards a more open and inclusive society of people with more broadly based and ambitious personal agendas.
We are, of course, still a long way from achieving the outcomes we seek. Success will require more hard work and a redoubling of our commitment to service and collaboration in the spirit of the community’s values, and the values of our larger communities. But I heartily commend the staff and voluteers who have helped bring this year’s success, and humbly thank all the members, contributors, donors and patrons for their support in helping the Friends reach this “tipping point”.
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